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Wednesday 17 March 2021

2021 A-Z Blogging Challenge - Theme Revealed

How many of us family historians would love  to find a journal written by an ancestor?   

We may be good at researching and writing about our ancestors, and even about our own childhood memories, but what about recording our own everyday life, as a picture for future generations? 


2020-2021 are the years of the Covid pandemic - years that will be remembered as the world's worst crisis since the Second World War.  So I am being topical here and my theme for the this April Blogging Challenge is:

Life in Lockdown in the Scottish Borders

I was partly prompted by the Mass Observation Project of World War Two where people from all walks of life across Britain volunteered  to record their everyday life on the Home Front, their hopes and their fears.  "The result is an intimate portrait of British life that is also completely individual."

Some Background Information  I live with my husband (both retired)  in the  Scottish Borders, 30 miles south of Edinburgh.  It is a rural landscape of small towns  and villages, with the 90 mile River Tweed and its many tributaries criss-crossing the region. 

           The triple Eildon Hills - an iconic image of the Scottish Borders

I must admit I was a wee bit complacent at the start of the pandemic.  I followed the news of the virus  in China and chatted with a friend whose grandson was working in the British Embassy in Beijing.  When the virus spread to Italy, I thought, we don't know anyone who has been in Italy.  Even when the virus reached the UK, I thought we were safe, living where we do.  

But the cases escalated beyond anything I could have anticipated and like everyone else in the country my life became dominated by Lockdown.

So in this A-Z Challenge, I will looking at A for Anticipation  through to Z for Zoom, by way of Comfort Eating,  Hobbies,  Thankfulness, and Vocabulary - and much much more. It will not all be doom and gloom.

Do join me in sharing my experiences!



  1. Looking forward to following along, Sue.

  2. Always interesting to see how others have coped through the last year. Look forward to reading your posts.

  3. Hi, I tired to comment earlier and it disappeared. I'm doing a similar theme for A to Z. This will be my first time participating. I look forward to seeing what you write.

  4. Will be interested to read of your experiences. See you in the Challenge.

  5. This is a great them. I will be looking forward to reading our posts.

  6. So glad you will be joining the A to Z Challenge this year. Look forward to you posts about this epoch in history that we lived/are living through.

  7. Sue this is a brilliant theme and I am so glad you are participating too. We had some fun in our Welsh Interest Group on Sunday looking at this site which maybe you know about already http://a-day-in-the-life.powys.org.uk/eng/eindex.html. I will be participating in the A-Z challenge too here https://familytreefrog.blogspot.com/

  8. Great idea to preserve the memories. I wrote a few articles on it for my blog. What would 2020 be without reference to it. I’m back for year 6 at. https://everyonehasafamilystorytotell.wordpress.com/

  9. Thank you all for your interest in my theme, your encouraging comments and the links to posts. I look forward to reading your contributions on the mammoth April challenge.

  10. I’m looking forward to reading your blogs. I am such a newbie anc really don’t know what to do, but sure once I start looking at other people’s, my own juices will start to glow! Thanks for sharing.


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