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Saturday 17 April 2021

O for Outfits and Organisations: A-Z Scottish Borders in Lockdown

A-Z Blogging Challenge 2021   - Scottish Borders in Lockdown
Recording My Everyday Life - A Picture for Future Generation

OUTFITS - How would you described your fashion style during Lockdown? Smart casual, very casual, slovenly even?    My standard wear is  trousers or  joggers, tops and fleece - very much clothes best described as "just fit for wearing around the house".   After all what is the incentive to make an effort when I am not going anywhere;  what is the point in buying anything new? 

 A friend laughed at me, when I said I had dressed up to go and get my Covid jabs i.e. I styled my hair, wore smart trousers, and a jacket  because it was a welcome  "occasion".

Have you heard of the 80/20  rule?  Well I epitomize it - I have been wearing 20% of my clothes 80% of the time - or  rather 80%  of my clothes have never seen the light of day outside my wardrobe. Think about it -  It is true!  

Time for some retail therapy  and refreshing my wardrobe. 

Buying, Customer, Cute, Female, Girl

Image courtesy of Pixabay


ORGANISATIONS LOOKING OUTWARDS    - societies and groups have not met now for over a year.  So what have they been doing to keep in touch with their members, and to keep them interested and motivated to return in the future. My experience varies.

  • I am a member of the local Women's Institute , founded in the the  First World War,  and noted for its emphasis on crafts.  The committee has met regularly by Zoom and a speaker's programme  was launched on Zoom, made available to other local branches in the county.  So we have enjoyed talks by a representative of Slimming World, (very appropriator after Christmas);  two professional singers talking about their life in music;  a presentation on the making of the Scottish Tapestry  (twice the size of the famous Bayeux tapestry);  a naturalist and photograph showed his views of the landscape, birds and animals;  whilst "Field to Food" looked at the work being done to educate  children on the world of animal husbandry.  Great use of modern technology  and  refreshing  to have sometime different to talk about afterward.

    Competitions  were held, with member submitting entries online e.g.  of photographs,  handcrafted cards, illustrated calligraphy. 

    At Christmas and Easter, we delivered cards. hand made by talented members,  along with a  short newsletter  -a great team effort by the committee and something that was very much appreciated.

  • With a larger social organisation, committee members took on the task  of keeping in touch by phone  with a small group each - again something that was very much welcomed.    
  • Another society,  part of a wider national presence, sent out monthly newsletters to members and held Zoom meetings on a range of topics.
  • There was one notable local exception from this activity,   with no committee meeting held since early March 2020 and the chairman and secretary making no effort to keep in touch, not even over Christmas or New Year.

    What a missed OPPORTUNITY!   Will members return?


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  1. Loved this post. I laughed out loud at your Outfits section :-) I believe the fashion-forward description of what we are all wearing is "ath-leisure" (combining athletic with leisure) -- and frankly, that's what I have been living in. I have worn regular slacks four times this year -- for doctors appointments and to get my vaccine jabs! Agree with you on missed opportunities -- two of my gen. societies have done nothing to reach members this past year, but the smart ones have been holding amazing monthly webinars and plan to continue post-pandemic. Kudos to them! https://mollyscanopy.com/2021/04/orange-juice-can-curlers-and-on-the-roof-suntans-atozchallenge/#comments

    1. I wouldn’t flatter my outfits as ath-leisure, more tropical lazy.

  2. I think the last organisation will get an F on their report cards and lose members. Perhaps they aren’t social media savvy. Local organisations I’m in have taken to zoom with enthusiasm...I confess I’m rather zoomed out. Social media has been a blessing for staying in touch too,

    As for the wardrobe...I suspect I’ve been teetering in slovenly at times, certainly very casual unless I’m going out when I’m in my public clothes. Fancy clothes have seen the light of day.

  3. This is such a timely post. My father is heading south for a wonderful garden tour next week and needed some gloves. I went into David Jones in the city and was like a country bumpkin oohing and aahing at all the new clothes. Since I've stopped work of course I don't need anything fancy but it made me realise how far I had fallen. Oh dear. That's lovely that the WI has kept up competitions and the like. Our local country show, the Brookfield Show was cancelled last year due to COVID. It's on this year but I notice that there is no craft competition at all which is so very sad. They need a steward. Thankfully other country shows seem to be continuing with their competitions so I may have to venture further afield. I just love looking at the quilts and the knitting and the jams and the scones.


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