David Hogg, c.1941, was the last hand loom weaver in Earlston. He began work in the mill as a pattern weaver, then started hand loom weaving on his own account, selling his tweeds, scarves and rugs all over Great Britain and exhibiting at many trade fairs. When he died in 1941, his loom and other artefacts were given to the Scottish College of Textile in nearby Galashiels.
With acknowledgement to the Auld Earlston Group for these images from its collection.
My cousin's father Arthur Smith, tinkering with his car
Bigger machines to mess about with here.
My action-man brother, who in the 1980's part-owned and piloted a light aircraft.
Experiencing something much bigger.
Wearing a fetching beanie hat, for his job on an oil rig
Back down to to earth with a car and a bike.
My husband at the handle bars of the bike in the back garden,
with his older brother, c.1940
Husband has graduated to a motor bike, behind his father, c.1950.
No concern for heatlh and safety then, in terms of leathers and crash helmets.
Sepia Saturday gives bloggers an opportunity to share
their family history and memories through photographs.
their family history and memories through photographs.

He looks so cute leaning forward to hold on to the handle bars of that gigantic bike.
ReplyDeleteSuch a great selection!
ReplyDeleteMy dad's father and grandfather worked at the Dalziel steelworks in Motherwell. I wish I had photos like these showing them working. Instead I have one of those group photos where they all sit with their arms crossed staring at the camera. And love the motorcycle shot.
Maybe these generations (ours) will be remembered as the last dangerous childhoods, where no thought was given to protecting heads or limbs as they are now.