"My Scottish Borders"
K is for:
Did you know that the children's colourful toy the KALEIDOSCOPE was invented by a Borderer?
David Brewster (1781-1868), was born in Jedburgh, Roxburghshire, and became a leading physicist renowned for his work on optics and polarisation.
The word "Kaleidoscope" is derived from the ancient Greek -
"Kalos" - beautiful,
"Eidos" - form or shape
"Skopea" - to look at or examine -
Thus observation of beautiful forms.

The ruined abbey (one of four in the Borders) was built in 1128 and witnessed the coronation of the young King James III in 1460, following the death of his father at the siege of nearby Roxburgh Castle.
The spacious town square claims to be the largest in Scotland, with the elegant Georgian Town House built in 1816. The graceful five-arched
bridge over the Tweed, built by John Rennie in 1803, was the model for
London's Waterloo Bridge.
Floors Castle, Scotland's largest inhabited house, stands in parkland overlooking the Tweed. It was built by the architect William Adam, for the 1st Duke of Roxburghe in 1721 and later embellished by William Playfair. Despite its name, it is a large country house - not a castle fortress built for defence.
Massed pipe bands at Floors Castle
The lively programme of local events reflects the predominantly agricultural community, with the Border Union Agricultural Show, ram and horse sales, Kelso Races, point-to-point and the Scottish Championship Dog Show.
Heavy horses at the Border Union Agricultural Show
The story of Kinmont Willie is one the best documented episodes in the exploits of the Border Reivers.
William Armstrong of Kinmont was captured by the forces of the English Warden in violation of a truce day in 1596 and imprisoned in Carlisle Castle across the Border in England. Fellow Reiver Walter Scott of Buccleuch (known as "The Bold Buccleuch" - pronounced Buck-loo) led a band of men on a daring raid and broke Kinmont Willie out of the castle. Kinmont Willie Armstrong was never recaptured.
Here are a few verses from the 46 verse ballad to get a flavour of both the language and the story
They band his legs
beneath the steed,
They tied his hands
behind his back;
They guarded him
fivesome on each side
And brought him ower
the Liddle-rack.
My hands are tied, but
my tongue is free,
Ands whae will dare
this deed avow?
Or answer by the Border
Or answer to the bauld
“And have they
ta’en him Kinmont Willie,
Against the truce of
Border tide
And forgotten that the
bauld Buccleuch
Is keeper here on the
Scottish Side?
We crept on knees, and
held our breath,
Till we placed the
ladders against the wa’
And sae ready was
Buccleuch himself
To mount the first
before us a’.
“Buccleuch has
turn’d to Eden water,
Even where it flowed
frae bank to brim,
And he has plunged in
wi’ a’ his band,
And safely swam then
thro’ the stream.
Follow the next stage of this A-Z Journey
through the Scottish Borders
L is for
The Fair Lilliard and Leaderfoot Viaduct
The Scottish Borders
The old counties of Berwickshire, Peeblesshire, Roxburghshire & Selkirkshire
Do take a look at earlier posts in "My Scottish Borders
A-Z Challenge Preview
A-Z Challenge A - Abbeys,Abbotsford and Armstrongs
A-Z Challenge B - Border Reivers, Border Ballads and Blackmail
A-Z Challenge A - Abbeys,Abbotsford and Armstrongs
A-Z Challenge B - Border Reivers, Border Ballads and Blackmail
A-Z Challenge C - Common Ridings and Carter Bar
A-Z Challenge D - Dryburgh Abbey, Duns Scotus and The Douglas Tragedy
A-Z Challenge E - Elliots, Earlston, Enigma Hero and Eyemouth Tart
A-Z Challenge F - Flodden, Fletcher and Flowers of the Forest
A-Z Challenge G - A Green & Pleasant Land and Galashiels
A-Z Challenge H - Hermitage Castle and Hawick
A-Z Challenge F - Flodden, Fletcher and Flowers of the Forest
A-Z Challenge G - A Green & Pleasant Land and Galashiels
A-Z Challenge H - Hermitage Castle and Hawick
A-Z Challenge I - Inspirational Land of James Hogg and Will Ogilvie
A-Z Challenge J - Jedburgh, Jedthart Justice and Jethart Snails
A super post, what beautiful photos as well!