It would not be Christmas without a Christmas tree. We did start off married life with the real thing - but I had enough of trying to get pine needles off the carpet, so we went onto an artificial tree - traditional style - no modern, minimalist designer trees in our home!
Reading some of the house-style magazines, some people focus on colour themes such as silver & blue, or red & gold etc. for their Christmas Trees.
For our family the Christmas Tree is one of happy memories.
In the past it featured my young daughter's home-made decorations - who can forget the bells made from egg cartons covered in baking foil?

Discovering the decorations again when we get the boxes down from the loft is pleasure in itself . Our tree is quite small but looking at it every year, brings back memories of happy times.
Copyright © 2013 · Susan Donaldson. All Rights Reserved.
Adapted from a posting in December 2011, but I hope it will be of interest to my newer readers.
The Advent Calendar of Christmas Memories (ACCM) allows you to share your family’s holiday history twenty-four different ways during December!
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Adapted from a posting in December 2011, but I hope it will be of interest to my newer readers.
The Advent Calendar of Christmas Memories (ACCM) allows you to share your family’s holiday history twenty-four different ways during December!
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I think we'd enjoy each other's trees Susan, with the similarity of decorations.