his post was prompted by Julie at Anglers' Rest and her series " Book of Me - Written by You", where she asks us to describe our looks.
Pigtails to Ponytails to Perms - Brown Eyes to Speccy Four Eyes - Plain Jane to Russian Spy to the Dynasty Look - all phases of my appearance over many years.

Pigtails to Ponytails to Perms - Brown Eyes to Speccy Four Eyes - Plain Jane to Russian Spy to the Dynasty Look - all phases of my appearance over many years.

"There was a little girl, who had a little curl, right in the middle of her forehead",

On village gala days and on special occasions, my hair was wound into rags overnight to hopefully create ringlets - which soon fell out.
By my early teens my hair was long. It was washed with a final rinse of vinegar and rain water - my mother's idea of a beauty treatment - and it took ages to dry in front of the fire. No hair dryer then.

My mother was emphatic that I was not going to wear the hideous national health service wire glasses with pale pink frames and was prepared to pay for a slightly more flattering pair.
There is a pony tail hiding behind this Plain Jane look (right). What is it about moving from childhood to teenage years, as this is the only family photograph I could find. No holiday snaps, no school photos - nothing.
There is a pony tail hiding behind this Plain Jane look (right). What is it about moving from childhood to teenage years, as this is the only family photograph I could find. No holiday snaps, no school photos - nothing.

After five years, you could get a passport photograph updated, and I could not wait to do this - only to be further mortified when, instead of replacing the photograph, the new one was just stuck beneath - to more family hilarity and more quizzical looks from passport control.
I never did get the hair knack of beehives, back-combing and flicks, however much I aimed for that style.
I became a librarian, so had to work hard at counteracting the traditional dowdy image. So here (below) is the young professional look for my first job - worn with a mini length sweater dress and long necklace - all the rage then.
I never did get the hair knack of beehives, back-combing and flicks, however much I aimed for that style.
I became a librarian, so had to work hard at counteracting the traditional dowdy image. So here (below) is the young professional look for my first job - worn with a mini length sweater dress and long necklace - all the rage then.

By the late 1960's, vanity prompted me to try contact lenses and they proved a great source of stories with friends as we recalled tales of losing them. I remember one occasion where I was scrambling around on the floor of a pew at church, (not praying) but trying to find this miniscule lens.
At least I was minus my glasses on my wedding day.
This was my husband's first car (above) - a silver grey Ford Escort, bought just a few weeks before we first met in 1970. He was always proud of his cars and looked after them well. This brings back memories of our engagement. It must have been love, that he actually suggested I sat on top of the car for this photograph - not something he has allowed since! Note the miniskirt and 1970's striped coat!
By the late 1980's grey hairs were beginning to creep in. I recall one New Year's Day when we were due to go out in the evening. I used a home colour shampoo to disguise the grey - but left it on too long and the result was rather too much red. The shampoo packet said it would run out after 6 washes, so I washed it about 6 times that day - to very little effect.
Pregnancy and being an "at home" Mum meant I lost the incentive to bother with inserting, cleaning, and removing contact lens - I had trouble getting used to them again and I reckoned I had better things to do with my time, so it was back to spectacles - though I kept to the mini skirt look.
By the late 1980's grey hairs were beginning to creep in. I recall one New Year's Day when we were due to go out in the evening. I used a home colour shampoo to disguise the grey - but left it on too long and the result was rather too much red. The shampoo packet said it would run out after 6 washes, so I washed it about 6 times that day - to very little effect.

I am now pleased to see natural styles are back in vogue which suits my age and rural life style!
Fashion has come full circle and here I am below wearing spectacles remarkably like those I wore in my teens.
Adapted from an earlier post of January 2012.
Copyright © 2013 · Susan Donaldson. All Rights Reserved
Wow, what a wonderful story of you! In my book you were all the rage in every year, especially as a mum! Your contact story sure reminded me of my cousin, and when she first got hers. Wow, what learning experience she went through, I was so happy I didn't need any!