This week I am due to meet my third cousin (we share the same great great grandfather in Henry Danson). Stuart found my blog, made contact and we have already exchanged stories and photographs. Even better we only live 50 mlles apart.
So there was an immediate incentive to finish Part 2 of my family history story, which I must admit has been on the go rather a long time.

I could easily have finished it last year, as there wasn't much to add, but instead I discovered blogging with the short article style of writing appealing to me very much and rather taking over my spare time.
Writing a volume is not as easy as it seems and I know now why authors have editors assigned to them to ensure among other things that there is consistency in the work e.g. style of writing dates, font sizes for text, headings, photographic captions etc.
However there is nothing to beat the satisfaction of taking the pages (all 107 of them) to the printers and getting my work bound. It is amazing how different it looks.
Now onto the next part of the Danson Story- the story of James and Maria's descendants. I just hope it does not take quite so long.
Motivation Monday is a blogging prompt from to give inspiration to writers of family history..
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